All meetings POSTPONED until January 2011
Information will be found here until then.
Please visit often for updates, hints, recipes, great deals, etc. The more you visit, the more we'll update!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Organization -- It just feels good

How organized is your pantry?  How organized do you want your pantry to be?  Check out the link provided in the side bar titled Peek into Other People's Pantries.  Wow!  It's fun, inspiring and motivating.  I organized my hall pantry and am in the middle of organizing my kitchen cupboard/pantry.  I'm hunting for the perfect storage containers and baskets. The search is on!
When I'm all done, I'll take pictures and then see if I can figure out how to post them here.  How about you?

Next Project:  Tackle the freezer!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So Organized!  So cute!

Take a look and be inspired.  Scroll down to Digiscrapital / My stock pictures:
We're BACK!
Summer has been keeping all of us busy, but now we're back and ready to inspire and be inspired. If you haven't taken the time to check out the sidebars (over on the right of this entry), please do so -- there is a wealth of information on these sites. You may find answers to questions you have right now. If you're like me, you find answers to questions you didn't have, but are glad to find out!

We've had a lot of requests for a hands-on canning demonstration. If you're interested and want to participate, post a response here and let me know. Please add any specifics you want to know about or do --- do you want to can fruit? can vegetables? meat? what about freezing any of those? We'll get it scheduled and we'll can something together. Also, if you have experience in these areas and are willing to help with the demonstration, please post here too. We want to share our knowledge with each other. We're finding that we all have something to share that benefits someone else in our group and that's exciting.
Don't forget tonight's meeting: Desi's home at 6:30pm.
Group Deal: Siphon and hose for 55 gallon water barrels (Thanks Stacy!)
Remember: If you have something you want to give away, bring it to the meeting -- great way to weed out and share with someone who may be looking for that particular item.
Also: If you know of a deal to be had -- share it with us, we'll post it here and send out an email.